Toenail Fungus-Onychomycosis

Toenail fungus is caused by a skin, hair, and nail loving fungus. 
Toenail fungus often forms after damage to the nail that causes the nail – skin junction, where the nail meets the skin of the toe, to be disrupted.
This can occur after a pedicure, because of ill fitting shoes, or after repetitive trauma from running, or hiking, that causes the nail to lift or get pressed on.
The fungus is attracted to the protein in the nailbed, and the toenail is a perfect breeding ground because it’s in a moist and warm environment – inside your shoes – most of the day. 
Toenail fungus can give nails an unattractive, deformed appearance. It can also spread to other nails, including fingernails. There is often also a cross infection between nails and skin. In the case of diabetics who suffer from diabetic sensory  neuropathy, a loss of sensation, or feeling, these thick fungal toenails can become a source of pressure ulceration and can lead to abscess formation and serious spreading bacterial infection.
Our expert podiatrists at Advanced Podiatry of Manhasset, Huntington, Plainview, and Maspeth utilize several protocols, including state of the art laser, to a eradicate this fungal infection.
Please call one of our Advanced Podiatry offices to consult with one of our expert podiatrists about eradicating this stubborn problem.

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