Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT)

Extracorporeal pulse activation technology (EPAT) also known as shockwave therapy is used to treat many chronic inflammatory conditions. EPAT uses noninvasive high energy waves to cause acute inflammation thereby increasing blood circulation and enhancing metabolic processes when chronic inflammation is present to stimulate healing. 

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common pathologies podiatrists evaluate and treat. Podiatrists will try several different ways of treating plantar fasciitis whether it be conservative or surgical measures. At Advanced Podiatry, we offer EPAT for plantar fasciitis that has been unresponsive to oral anti-inflammatories, injections, stretching and custom orthotics. For patients who are not considering surgical intervention, EPAT is a great way to try a conservative yet effective and FDA approved method to control heel pain that has been adamant to treatment. Typically about 3 to 5 treatments are required. EPAT is delivered via ultrasound and typically feels like "snapping rubber bands" which eventually dull down due to repetitive motion. It is important to note that EPAT is not indicated if you are taking antiinflammatories or if you have a pacemaker. Some bruising and pain is normal after EPAT as the body is taking some time to heal. 

If you suffer from chronic heel pain, call and schedule an appointment with one of our podiatrists today! No one should have to live with heel pain because there are plenty of several options available.

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