Jump Feet First Into Your New Year Resolutions

As podiatrists in Manhasset, NY we find that a large percentage of our patients seem to suffer from sore Achilles tendons, heel pain and pinched nerves in the early months of the new year. This is most likely due to New Years resolutions such as loosing weight, running a faster mile, or starting a new activity or sport. Improper foot care during exercise is a contributing factor to more than 300 foot and ankle ailments, according to the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA).  So, while all of these resolutions are a great way to start off the New Year, make sure to take all the proper precautions before taking on your new goals.

Before you hit the gym or the sports field, here are a few tips from your foot doctor in Huntington, NY to make sure that you don’t hurt yourself while fulfilling your new resolutions.

  • Make sure to stretch: Whether you’ve been a couch potato all year, or you are a weekend warrior, stretching for 15 minutes before working out is key to preventing injuries. Make sure to gently warm up your muscles, a light jog or jumping jacks always work well, before you start stretching. We recommend dynamic stretches where you are constantly in motion, using the muscle groups you intend to work out, instead of static stretches which are when you hold a stretch for 30 seconds or more in the same position.
  • Wear proper foot gear: Before you go trudging off to the gym this New Year, check your sneakers. When was the last time you bought a new pair? Are the treads worn? Laces beginning to shred? Do they feel a little tight? Or maybe a little too loose? All of these are signs that you might need a new pair of sneakers. Make sure that you have a professional measure your feet when buying a new pair. Look for sneakers that are the proper width for your feet, have soles that are flexible, but also provide cushion and support, especially on your arches.
  • Don’t forget about socks: while most people pay attention to their athletic sneakers, many forget about the benefits of a good pair of socks. We recommend a well-cushioned sock made of acrylic fibers that will wick moisture away. This will not only make your feet more comfortable, but it will help to reduce the chances of getting fungus, blisters and other foot infections.
  • Don’t ignore foot pain: This is probably the most common mistake we see people make when it comes to starting a new fitness routine. Do not ignore your foot or ankle pain. Pain is a way for your body to tell you something is wrong, and when ignored, the problem often becomes worse and more difficult to heal, than if it had been treated right away. If you are running, working out or just walking around, and you experience pain, it is important that you been seen by a podiatrist as soon as possible to prevent further injuries.

If you live in Nassau or Suffolk County and are experiencing foot pain,
give Advanced Podiatry of Manhasset, Huntington, Coram, Plainview, Mineola, Williston Park & Maspeth, NY a call today.
We have three highly trained foot doctors and surgeons on staff that would
love to help you be pain free this New Year. We wish you a healthy and happy New Year!

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