Keep Calm and Go See a Podiatrist

So you’ve made an appointment with us, now what? Here is what to expect at your first visit with a podiatrist at Advanced Podiatry.
1. On your first visit, the doctor will obtain a comprehensive medical history. They will ask you questions about any health issues, allergies, surgeries you’ve had, and medications you may be taking to help us identify any potential areas of concern that may lead to or worsen foot and ankle issues. You will also be asked about any symptoms you are experiencing or any issues that you are concerned about.
2. A foot and ankle evaluation will be performed. The doctor will examine your foot and ankle to check your blood flow, sensation/feeling, and testing muscle strength/weakness. This will enable them to identify any area(s) of concern including foot and ankle deformities such as flat feet or high arched feet, bunions or hammertoes, muscle weakness(es) and skin or nail changes. Depending on the area(s) of concern, radiographs (x-rays) may be obtained.
3. Based on the comprehensive history and exam, the doctor will be able to discuss their findings, address your concerns and make the appropriate recommendations. Your treatment plan may include preventative measures and recommendations such as shoe gear changes, paddings/bracing, custom orthotics, physical therapy, surgical intervention and referrals to other specialists. Your doctor will work alongside your other providers such as your primary care physician, vascular specialist, or physical therapist to ensure a multidisciplinary
team approach. This will make sure that we are doing every thing possible to keep your feet as healthy as possible in order to keep you as active and mobile as possible for many years to come! 
4. Your podiatrist may also make lifestyle recommendations. This may include advice regarding clean and safe pedicure precautions to take, smoking cessation recommendations since smoking can affect the circulation to your feet and diabetes management recommendations such as checking your feet daily and advice on how to manage your diabetes.
Podiatrists are specially trained to address your foot and ankle problems, no matter how small you think they are. The next time you notice something with your feet or just want to get something examined, do not hesitate to contact us at one of our many locations.

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