Keep Your Feet Soft and Smooth This Winter

Your feet probably spend much of the winter stuffed into heavy boots, or fending off cold, dry air outside and overheated air inside. The result: dry, cracked heels and itchy, peeling skin. but when you know how to properly protect and moisturize your feet, they'll stay -comfy and beautiful-all season long.
Moisturize your feet when wet-apply moisturizer to still damp feet after every bath or shower. The KAMEA products that are available in our offices are very effective at preventing moisture loss.
Heal your heels-get rid of unsightly heel cracks with daily use of the KAMEA products that are available at the kiosk by the front desk in our offices to slough off remaining dead skin cells.
Be protective-skip the wool socks when it's chilly outside. The rubbing of wool against your feet removes natural fats from the skin causing moisture loss. In the house, keep slippers or socks on-walking barefoot creates friction that dries feet out.
Get shoe smart-wear footwear that fits well. Poorly fitting footwear can rub and lead to hard, ugly calluses on your feet. If your favorite boots are chafing you can try one of our over-the-counter inserts or have us evaluate and scan your foot for a custom made orthotic device -the gold standard for optimal foot function.
Diabetics Should Regularly Inspect Their Feet
Good foot care is essential for people with diabetes. Diabetes can cause nerve damage that leads to loss of sensation in the feet, making it difficult to feel sores, blisters, or injuries.
People with diabetes should regularly inspect their feet. The best time is immediately after a shower while drying your feet or at the end of the day when removing socks and shoes.If you notice a blister, apply to clean dressing with an antiseptic ointment, try to stay off the foot as much as possible. Contact any of the doctors at Advanced Podiatry, your experts in Diabetic Foot Care as soon as possible, because as Benjamin Franklin said "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. "

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