KeryFlex: A Professional Nail Restoration System

While I was in medical school I learned of an immediate cosmetic enhancement for fungal or damaged toenails called Keryflex.  

Keryflex has been named one of the “Top Ten Innovations” in Podiatry and yet it is a procedure rarely performed in most offices. In our practice Keryflex is performed weekly.

I became a certified provider for the Keryflex system and technique which creates a non-pourous, flexible, realistic looking nail. This nail can be painted, filed and buffed and is unharmed by acetone.

One of the reasons why I love this technique and application is because I can immediately make a positive impact on my patient’s life. Fungal toenails or those that have suffered damage can cause not only pain but challenge how one feels about their physical appearance.  

I have been able to provide added confidence for big events like weddings and trips but also everyday life.  One of my proudest moments was when a patient walked out of my office grinning from ear to ear, head held high, wearing sandals for the first time in twenty years  - something she had avoided due to her severe fungal toenails.  She instantly had healthy looking nails and I treated her fungus with laser and topicals while the Keryflex grew out with her own nails.

I am happy to answer any questions or concerns - please contact our Huntington office for a consultation if interested in Keryflex.

Dr. Alison Croughan

                           KeryFlex: A Professional Nail Restoration System

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