Lapiplasty System

By now you have probably seen a commercial or heard the term Lapiplasty.  So, what is this new phenomenon in the world of foot health? Are you a candidate? Does it work?  
Lapiplasty is a patented advanced technology that allows us to correct your bunion in 3-dimensions.  There is a common misconception that a bunion is a bump on  the side of your foot. This is not the case.  A bunion or hallux abducto valgus deformity is actually a complex orthopedic deformity that is the result of many factors. 
This new surgical technology allows us to address this complex deformity in a new and exciting way.  Patients are achieving amazing results with a minimal disruption to their lives. A true game changer for patients suffering with this often painful and unsightly issue.  
If you have a bunion, or know someone who does, we are here to help.  Schedule a consultation with one of our Board-Certified surgeons today.  Our doctors are specially trained in Lapiplasty and are happy to provide an assessment for you.  
With all these new advances in technology and technique there has never been a better time to fix your bunion.

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