Laser for Fungal Nail Treatment

Now that spring is on its way, more individuals are concerned about their toenail fungus. There are several ways to treat fungal toenails, however, studies have shown that the use of laser is the most effective.

Laser machines that are used for fungal treatments utilize light energy to help combat this condition. The laser beam is able to infiltrate the thick toenail to target the fungus which is located under the nail. At the time of the procedure, the toenail will not become instantly clear; it will take time to grow out. The light energy is soaked up by the fungi and this helps abolished these colonies. This new technology provides safer, faster, and more effective treatment than other options.

At Advanced Podiatry, we use a laser that directs a concentrated beam of light through the nail to eliminate the fungus that is harboring under the nail. The procedure is done in office and it doesn't involve anesthesia and is painless.

Clinical studies show that the laser kills toenail fungus and promotes clear nail growth with a single treatment in better than 80% of cases. The laser treatment is safe, effective, and most patients improve usually after their first treatment.

There are several advantages of applying laser treatment to toenail fungus, which include: safe, painless treatment, no side effects or drugs, no liver enzyme test required, no recovery time, only 15 minutes required to treat the toenail fungus on both feet.

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