Modern Bunion Surgery is not as uncomfortable before, find out why!


There are many misconceptions about bunion surgery and we hear about them everyday.  Patients will suffer with painful bunions for years because of misinformation they read on the internet or a bad experience they hear about from their friend.  When performed properly, with appropriate post operative care bunion surgery is both very successful and well tolerated.  

Here at advanced podiatry we take every possible precaution and use the latest technology and technique to limit complications and make your experience pain free.  One such advancement is removable hardware. Bunion surgery often requires the use of screw fixation to repair the deformity.  We use a specially designed screw that is simply, easily and painlessly removed 6 weeks after surgery.  This leaves you with no metal in your foot and no bunion either!
By using small incisions, minimally invasive techniques and the best instrumentation we are able to get you walking the day of surgery and most times limit the use of post operative pain medication to just the first few days.  We also use something called cold compression therapy in our practice.  This simple but effective cooling modality prevents post operative swelling and keeps our patients comfortable and pain free.  
These are just a few of the common things we hear about from patients, but if you have other questions please give us a call today!  We are here to help. 

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