New Year's Resolutions


Happy New Year from all of us at Advanced Podiatry. We hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday and wish you nothing but health and happiness as we enter the new decade.

This is the time of year when many of us reflect back on previous years and begin thinking about resolutions. Goals we would like to achieve and practices we would like to adopt into our lifestyles.

From a podiatry perspective, we wish for you all some habits to become second nature to help you always put your best foot forward and not let your feet slow you down in all you want to do and see this new year. 

Here is a list of our resolutions we hope all of our patients and staff make this time of year:

   1. Check your feet daily especially if you are diabetic.

   2. All patients should moisturize their feet daily.

   3. Practice safe pedicure precautions.

   4. Replace worn shoes.

   5. Change wet socks immediately.

   6. Treat your shoes daily with an antifungal and antibacterial spray.

   7. Do not practice "bathroom surgery."

   8. Wear rubber-soled shoes this time of year to give you your best footing on snow and ice.

   9. Do not put feet on space heaters to keep warm.

   10. Practice proper nail cutting techniques.

If you or any of your family members have foot pain or any questions about which resolutions would benefit you or your feet please contact our office today.

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