Painful Bunion

About 75% of the patents that present to our office with the chief complaint of a painful bunion will undergo surgical intervention. Bunion surgery is an elective procedure, meaning that it is a not mandatory that it be performed.  The age range of patients presenting with bunions is very wide.  Generally, around 8-80 years of age. However, the general candidate for surgery is more in the 20-65 year-old-range.  This is not set in stone and there are exceptions to every rule.

We perform hundreds of these procedures per year between all the doctors in our group.  We are experts on the latest techniques, instrumentation and modalities.  We constantly stay abreast of advancements and are always looking to improve. We have a 99.9% success rate.

We have  minimal complications due to constant attention to detail, diligent follow up and always making sure we are available to our patients after surgery.

Bunions are very very common, some figures as high as 45-50% of the population may have some form of them.  We pride ourselves on our top notch care, our low complication rate and our desire to help our patients get better. 

Call us today for your consultation.

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