Put Advanced Podiatry on Your Diabetic Team

Two complications of diabetes are nerve damage and restricted bloodflow to the legs and feet. Both increase the risk of various foot complications. 
Nerve damage decreases the feeling in your feet, a common condition called peripheral neuropathy. Reduced blood flow to the feet makes it harder to heal an injury, or resist an infection. Left untreated, even minor cuts and blisters can become serious infections that ultimately may require toe, foot, or leg amputation.
This is why it’s important to have an Advanced Podiatry podiatrist on your "diabetes care team". Working closely with your podiatrist can reduce the risk of developing foot, ankle, and leg issues, such as neuropathic ulcers, infections, nerve and bone damage, Charcot neuroarthropathy [joint damage] – and even amputations. Studies have shown that patients with a diabetic foot ulcer who have a podiatrist on their team can reduce amputations by 36%. 
If you suffer from diabetes, call one of our Advanced Podiatry offices and add our award winning expert podiatrists to your "diabetes care team."

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