Shoe Buying Tips

Many of our patients ask for tips on purchasing shoe gear. When shoe shopping, your ultimate goals include making sure you are comfortable, the shoes you are purchasing fit well and that you are pain-free. Of course, style and fashion trend(s) matter to most but in order to avoid potential foot issues-  it is important to select appropriate well-fitting shoes.

To help you navigate, below are some helpful tips:

-       Purchase shoes at the END of the day; this is when your feet are larger. This will ensure that your shoes will not be too tight.

-       Have your feet measured? Sometimes one foot may be larger than the other. Another thing to be aware of is that sizing can vary from brand to brand. Go by how the shoe fits rather than the marked size. Always try before you buy!

-       Bring your orthotics with you when purchasing shoes and walk around the store to ensure that you are comfortable. On the same note, try on shoes with any socks or special stockings/hosiery that you normally wear on a daily basis.

-       Make sure there is wiggle room! If you cannot move your toes, your shoes are too tight. If the shoe is too tight or narrow, you can aggravate conditions such as bunions or hammertoes.

-       Look for shoes with adequate shock absorption and cushion. This will help with shock absorption and help protect your feet.

-       Bend the shoes. Shoes should not bend in the arch region. This can lead to plantar fasciitis (heel pain).

When shoes are inappropriate in terms of sizing, fit, or comfort, this may lead to foot deformities and/or aggravate existing deformities such as bunions, hammertoes, flat feet or high arched feet. Custom orthotics (inserts) may help with such conditions and also help relieve pain.

You do not have to live with pain; especially if it is because of improper footwear! If you are unsure about anything or have questions, please do not hesitate to call us and make an appointment!


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