Soft Tissue Mass Excisions

                              Soft Tissue Mass Excisions
Soft tissue masses of the feet and ankles are very common. Though most masses tend to be benign; some soft tissue masses of the foot and ankle can be malignant and need further work up. It is important and recommended to come in to the office for an evaluation if you feel any "lumps or bumps" on your feet. 
One of the most common soft tissue masses seen amongst patients are ganglion cysts which most likely develop from friction and pressure. These cysts can usually be aspirated or removed in the office without any large incisions and sent out to the lab for further analysis. Other times, excisional biopsies are necessary to evaluate and remove the soft tissue masses in totality in the operating room under sterile conditions.
Our offices are fully equipped with advanced imaging such as ultrasounds which our experienced foot and ankle physicians utilize to determine what the soft tissue mass is comprised of. Sometimes, an MRI may be ordered to evaluate the extent of the soft tissue mass and to see whether it is benign or malignant. 
If you feel any growth on your foot or ankle, do not hesitate to come into one of our offices and get evaluated. No mass is small enough to be ignored! 

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