Spring Foot Care Tips

Spring is here! At Advanced Podiatry, we are so excited the winter months are finally behind us. With the arrival of warmer weather, we take our activities outside and become more active. Here are some foot care tips that will ready you for the warmer weather:

  • Perform daily foot checks-- especially if you are a Diabetic. Check in between your toes and on the bottom of your feet for any cuts, skin changes, blisters, or redness.
  • Moisturize: Moisturize your feet daily and make sure you rub it in really well. Avoid in between the toes so the area doesn’t get wet and susceptible to infections.
  • Examine your toenails. If they look thickened, brittle, discolored or are lifting please call us so that we can examine them. These may be signs of a fungus attacking your nail.
  • Make sure your shoe gear and orthotics are ready! If your shoes or orthotics look and feel worn out and unstable, it may be a good idea to consider investing in a new pair. If you need orthotics for your feet - whether you have flat feet, pain in the ball of your feet, or any other foot and ankle pain, give us a call so that we can help you!

Have a happy and safe spring! 

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