
We are two weeks from a face off of two stellar quarterbacks in Supberbowl LI. This is always an exciting time of year for sports fans everywhere.  Tom Brady has been at it for almost 20 years dominating the NFL.  So how does he do it?  
He takes superb care of his body.  He follows a strict diet, sometimes totally vegan.  He has a regular physical therapy routine and very regimented fitness regime. 
The Superbowl happens to come at the beginning of February which is when many of us fall of the fitness bandwagon.  Part of that drop off in physical activity if due to new onset aches and pains.  Issues like ankle sprains, plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis and painful bunions are just a few of the issues that plague new athletes. Instead of seeing a doctor and getting evaluated people often times just give in and think they aren't cut out for exercise.  
Don't give up! If you have pain, come in and see us now!  Stretching exercises, injections, orthotics can all help!  Remember, if you want to get in shape and stay in shape you don't have to be as strict as Tom Brady, but you definitely can't give up.  

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