The Foot Book

                             The Foot Book
Left foot, right foot, feet, feet, feet, how many many feet you meet. - Dr. Seuss' "The Foot Book"
As podiatrists our days are filled with many different types of feet from the smallest to the biggest and although our care and thoroughness is the same no matter our patient's age we take pride at Advanced Podiatry to make sure not only are our patients comfortable but their parents as well.
I am a local mom, patient and podiatrist - depending on the "hat" I am wearing my approach may be a bit different but each role influences my experiences especially when it concerns my children.  When asked how you can prepare your child for their first visit to our office or things you as a parent should know - I hope I can help to ease concerns you may have.
For myself personally, I usually do not wear my white coat while treating pediatric patients, I introduce myself as Dr. Croughan to the parents but let the patient know they can call me "Ali".  I take my time and explain things in a language that everyone can understand - I want the patient and parents to both feel comfortable at all times.
Although it may sound silly - I will most certainly ask your child to stand and walk up and down the hall for me "runway style" so I can examine their "natural gait."
No matter what the complaint or problem at hand I will check your child's skin, pulse, toenails, and gait.  
I am honest, I am kind and I care.
I want to know what shoes your child is wearing most of the time, to school and while playing sports - I will explain what I love and do not care for in regards to the shoe style and what is best for your child's feet.  I will give you affordable options and we can discuss if an orthotic (insert) is necessary.
I always recommend wearing socks.
There are no silly questions or concerns so please do not hesitate to make an appointment and ask - from stinky feet to tripping to toe walking to the proper way to cut a toenail.

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