What To Expect After Having Bunion Surgery

Dr. Evan Vieira answers patients most frequently asked questions regarding Bunion Surgery.

  • Will I have pain after surgery? 

    Generally, patients have little to no pain after bunion surgery. Those that do control it with pain medication and it generally resolves within a week. We also use cooling devices that circulate ice water around your foot and help decrease swelling.
  • Will I have a scar? 

    Yes. There is a small scar associated with bunion surgery. However, our doctors use very precise and cosmetic closure techniques that minimize any scaring, as can be seen in our before and after photos.
  • Can I walk? 

    Most procedures do allow for immediate ambulation in a boot.
  • Can I have surgery on both feet at the same time? 

    We generally advise against this as it severely limits your mobility and increases post surgical risks.
  • Do I have to stay overnight? 

    Bunion surgery is an ambulatory, elective procedure. You have the surgery and are able to go home the same day, Usually, within a matter of hours.
  • How long until I can wear boots again? Heels? 

    Most patients transition to a sneaker around 5-6 weeks after surgery and then boots and heels 8-10 weeks after. It is important to note that if you have limitation of motion before surgery, it will limey remain after. Realistic expectations about shoe gear are imperative to a successful procedure.
  • Will my bunion ever grow back/ re-form after the surgery? 

    It is possible for a deformity to return. However, we minimize this by using stable fixation techniques that are both stable and lasting.
  • Does Insurance cover the cost of the surgery? 

    Most insurances cover the cost of bunion surgery. You can consult with one of our office managers regarding your responsibilities and coverages.

For More Information:


About the Author: 

Dr. Evan Vieira, DPM, AACFAS joined Associated Podiatrists in 2011, after completeing his residnecy in reconstructive foot surgery at the North Shore Long Islnad Jewish Health System, where he served as Chief Resident in his final year. Dr. Vieira is currently taking new patients in our Huntington office location, and is available for surgical consultation by appointment.

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