Winterizing your Feet

As cold weather approaches, it is important to take a few preventative measures to protect your home through the chilly months. Just as we weatherproof our homes, it is important to take care of our feet in the winter months as well. Whether you are planning on hitting the slopes or just going for a walk, it is important to wear appropriate shoe gear and keep your feet warm. Addressing these issues will prevent issues like fractures, blisters or frostbite. 

Summer or winter--we are constantly on our feet and that means injuries are bound to happen. Winter sports like skiing require increased support and stabilization in order to prevent foot and ankle injuries. Wear properly fitted ski boots--too snug or loose of a boot will result in blisters and calluses which are painful. Loose boots can also lead to ankle injuries due to lack of stability. Add custom orthotics to the boots/skates for increased biomechanical support. During winter sports like skiing, ankle sprains are common do to the twisting motion. Physical therapy and proprioception exercises (i.e. wobble boards) are helpful in training the ankle ligaments to become stronger and more adaptive. As with any activity, remember to always stretch to prevent sore and stiff muscles. Muscles in the lower extremities are linked as tendons in the foot so stretch your gluts, quads and calf muscles. Also protect your knees with braces while skiing or snowboarding. 

And since we are talking about winter remember to wear warm socks! It is a simple but very important rule to follow. It can help prevent frostbite which is more common than we all think. Also remember to keep the feet hydrated! Moisturize the bottom of your feet and heels just as you would the rest of your body.

Whether it be winter or summer, the podiatrists at Advanced Podiatry are always available to help treat any issues you may have with your feet!


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