"Keryflex named one of the top ten innovations in podiatry by Podiatry Today"

As the warm weather begins to return to our area vacations, weddings, sweet sixteen parties, baby showers and beach getaways become a normal part of our weekly routines.  I have many patients who present with concern regarding not only the feel but look of their toenails due to either trauma, fungus, bacteria or arthritic conditions like psoriasis.  Patients not only want to have relief of pain in shoe gear but are also looking for a way to improve their toes appearance while in sandals or barefoot for the next six months.  Keryflex is one of my favorite procedures to perform in the office because the end result is a natural looking and feeling nail and my patients leave with not only relief but a new sense of confidence.  Unlike acrylic nails, Keryflex is not water soluble, therefore there is no risk of developing an infection underneath the nail.  The keryflex nail is created from resin on top of your currently existing nail and cured with a UV light.  The nail can then be painted, filed and you can instantly leave our office with no drying or aftercare.  The nail will grow out and can easily be maintained on a monthly basis in the office. Antifungal topical can also be used with an intact Keryflex nail.  Some patients suffer a trauma and are in need of a replacement for sometimes up to a year until their natural nail grows in - Keryflex is an excellent solution.  Keryflex is offered at our Huntington and Manhasset office locations.  


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