Ankle Sprains: When You Least Expect Them

Ankle Sprains: When You Least Expect Them

Dr. Alison D. Croughan, DPM
After Ankle SprainCoaches spend hours reviewing game tapes, organizing warm up drills and conditioning their players; however, no matter how prepared an athlete or team may be, similar to the pros, not all sports injuries can be prevented. Some injuries are the result of poor shoe gear, game conditions, uneven playing fields, some are just accidents and some many be due to poor biomechanics or structure of the foot/lower leg. One of the most common athletic injuries in my opinion is an ankle sprain/strains. 

Ankle Sprain X-Ray 1

Ankle sprains occur when the foot strikes the ground at an uneven angle, is kicked or stepped on by another player or the result of a fall from loss of balance.
Being an athlete myself I am no stranger to training, practicing and injury. Playing basketball and volleyball for many years I dubbed myself the "Queen of Ankle Sprains."

Ankle Sprain X-Ray 2

Last winter I was at the gym working out with a small group of other "former athletes." At the conclusion of each session a challenge would be proposed involving weight lifting, core conditioning, running and obstacles.  One of the trainers suggested we video tape the competition to post on social media. I offered to "run and grab my phone" and those were the famous last words uttered before I slipped on the wet staircase and rolled my left ankle. 

Lauren Bailey DPT

I immediately knew I had done damage. Within the hour my ankle was twice the size of the opposite limb, bruised and I could not bear weight. 
I went to our Huntington office location where I would be seeing patients and added myself to Dr. Vieira's patient schedule.. After an X-ray was ordered and a thorough evaluation was performed I was placed in a cam walker (removable cast boot), an ice/compression machine was ordered and I was instructed to take anti-inflammatories and to modify my activity level - i.e. REST.

Ankle Sprain

After about three weeks in a cam walker I was then prescribed physical therapy. I sought out the care and expertise of Professional Physical Therapy in Roslyn and began an at home regimen to increase strength, decrease swelling and improve upon the fatigue that often results from immobilization. 
My patients thoroughly enjoyed our matching cam walkers and soon I was able to relate to their discomfort and frustration. I often tell my patients that we are all human (even though sometimes we forget), accidents and injuries do happen and we all must work together to achieve optimal health. Six weeks after my injury I was back to working out on a regular basis in an ASO lace up ankle brace pain free.
Ankle Sprain Brace Advanced Podiatry HuntingtonAt Advanced Podiatry state of the art patient care is of our utmost importance.  We offer same day, early morning and evening appointments and do our best to get our patients back on their feet as quickly as possible. Ankle sprains can occur on the playing field, at the gym, walking out to your car or even down a flight of stairs.  If you or a loved one suffers an ankle sprain do not waste time and seek immediate, specialized care in one of our office locations.
Please see here for more information on Professional Physical Therapy:

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