Sprains & Strains - Vital Components of ankle injury

Among all types of injuries related to our feet, ankle injuries are the most common and bothersome. However, contrary to popular opinion, foot injuries or more specifically ankle injuries don’t usually happen only to active, athletic people. They can happen to anyone and everyone, even encountering minor pressure over time can add up to major ankle injuries. To put this in perspective, a person can suffer an ankle injury even by walking on a rough, uneven road or surface. Yes, it is that common.

So, what defines an ankle injury? An ankle injury is most commonly defined as the twisting and stretching of the ankle in an incorrect position resulting in the twisting, stretching and tearing of the ligaments present in the ankle.

Severe ankle injuries can happen if the ligaments stretch to an extreme, which leads to their tear, which results in the breaking of the bone that is joined together by the ligaments... causing fracture.

Ankle sprains occur when the ligaments of the ankles tear due to sports activities or during regular walking/running regime. It is also commonly known as twisted ankles. Based on the severity, nature and type of injury, an ankle sprain is categorized into mainly three grades. Grade 1 being the lowest and grade 3 denoting the highest intensity of sprain based on severity.

Symptoms of ankle sprain usually includes severe pain on the site of injury and in some cases, the entire ankle along with swelling. The rule of thumb is, the more swelling and pain in the ankles, the more severe the nature of the sprain. And, it is needless to say that, the more severe the sprain, the longer the recovery time. An ankle sprain is usually diagnosed through an X-ray and the typical ankle sprain treatment plan includes:

  • Adequate rest (Complete leg rest and bed rest in severe cases)

  • Medication (Usually painkillers, like Ibuprofen.)

  • Icing and compression therapy

  • Pain management.

  • Crutches / other support.

Complete recovery may take anywhere between a week to 3 months depending on the nature and severity of the sprain. If you are dealing with an ankle sprain, please contact us today.

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