Tips to Speed up Healing of a Fractured Ankle (part 1)

Aside from the pain, it might seem like a good thing to sit on the couch waiting for your fractured ankle to heal while you change channels searching for your favorite shows. Well, the sad part will come in when days and weeks begin to pass by, and you do not see any hopeful changes to your ankle fracture.

Your one fantastic recovery time might start to feel like a prison sentence. Most people at this point will be anxiously looking for ways they can speed up the healing process. Lucky enough, there are some tips which you can use to speed up the healing process.

The healing mostly depends on the kind of fracture that you have. A simple break will take a minimum of three months, but smoking will mean that it takes much longer than this. If there is a dislocation or several breaks, then you might need six months of healing time or even a year. 

Tips to Speed up Healing

As you are gradually healing, you will need to take part in physical therapy to make sure no complications arise and that you recover completely. Therefore the following are the tips which you can incorporate so as to hurry up your healing.

Click Here For Part Two


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